2017-01-01 09:09:25
Microsoft Korea used Enjoy® Audience Response System
Microsoft Korea used Enjoy® Audience Response System

South Korea is Microsoft's new office building events and conduct before the 25th anniversary celebration of Gwanghwamun. Enjoy® Wireless Voting System and Enjoy® Wireless Quiz Buzzer (or called Audience Response System) to take advantage of this event to a special quiz program on September.
On the Microsoft’s event, the test was come with two separate operating systems. 5 people have sympathy on behalf of the first issue published by the various departments, they used Enjoy® Wireless Quiz Buzzer System for rush quiz. Who was buzzed in first, his wireless buzzer flash with a white light on, also the buzz voice will come from the buzzer. And other participants from his team can choose the answer by Enjoy® Wireless Voting System. While the survey participants who reflect the immediate, real-time. This kind of configuration is the first time to try their first face-to-face with Microsoft employees in Korea.

Enjoy® Audience Response System includes Enjoy® Wireless Voting System and Enjoy® Wireless Quiz Buzzer, which is Microsoft Power point plug in system. People just know how to use Microsoft Power point can easy to use Enjoy system. It’s so easy for event, so Enjoy® audience response system becoming more and more popular in all worldwide.

Below are the photos from Microsoft Korea(taken by our Korea partner Quizall)

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